Featured category for today is Hydro Broker. Rose Pallotto is an associate with ACN Canada which I believe can help everybody lower their hydro bills. Let me try to explain.

ACN is a re-seller of energy. They negotiate a price for the purchase of the commodity and then charges the consumer a price (rate) for the month regardless of when you actually use it. The local utilities do the same thing with an exception. They have a time of day premium which they tack onto their rate. They like to charge you a regular rate when you do not need hydro between midnight and 7 am and then charge premiums when you are awake, using your computers, stoves and other appliances.

So why are people afraid of getting involved? Very simply people prefer not to do anything than to make a mistake by getting involved. ACN has recognized this and offers no contract and no cancellation fees. It is virtually risk free. They even say on their website that if you end up spending more with them within 12 months they will credit the difference back to you. How cool is that?

For all you energy needs talk to Rose Pallotto. She is passionate about the product and most important is that ACN supports feeding children in your community. Every time you pay a bill a child is fed.

Here is our reality: childhood hunger is an epidemic. There are approximately 17 million children in North America that don’t know where their next meal is coming from and it is happening right here at home, right in our own backyards. This is just not acceptable. 

Through Project Feeding Kids, ACN has joined forces with Feeding America and Food Banks Canada and together have a single mission: To fight childhood hunger while empowering families to live healthier lives.